
The construction branch of engineering focuses on the management of construction sites, project management, and quality control. Construction engineers usually supervise and inspect construction sites or coordinate a construction project as a manager.


Environmental engineers work on projects that deal with pollution control, site remediation, or water/wastewater projects. Environmental engineers generally ensure and design pollution controls from current or past engineering projects, and ensure that the drinking water supply is safe.


Geotechnical engineers deal with using soil and rock as engineering materials. They are involved in the design, construction, and inspection of foundations for buildings, bridges, and other structures. Geotechnical engineers also work in projects such as earthen dams, tunnels, soil stabilization, and retaining structures.


Structural engineering is the branch of civil engineering that is dedicated to the design and maintenance of structures such as bridges, industrial complexes, office buildings, stadiums, and countless other structures. Structural engineers use materials such as concrete, steel, and timber to design load-bearing facilities.


Transportation engineers deal with a multitude of design and implementation problems. They also are involved in the design of highways, overpasses, intersections, railways, and other transportation projects as well as in infrastructure management issues, along with urban and transportation planning issues.  Transportation engineers work on a rage of topics that affect commuters every day.

Water Resources

Water resource engineers deal with the distribution, treatment, or control of water in different systems. They work on projects ranging from flood control, detention basin design, and water/wastewater treatment facilities to drinking water distribution. These engineers keep the water delivery system working and help to protect natural waterways.