Three Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) juniors, Kathryn Wright, Socheata Huot, and Sean Walshe, earned third place in the National GeoVideo Competition at the Geo-Congress held in Vancouver, Canada. Their video, “Dam Criminals” produced for Associate Professor and Department Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Michael McGuire’s CE 361 Geotechnical Engineering course, will be uploaded to the GeoInstitute YouTube channel. Wright and Walshe attended the Geo-Congress with Prof. McGuire.

Each year, students in CE 361 Geotechnical Engineering develop GeoVideos as part of lab, and hold an internal film festival to select the best video which is then sent to the national competition. The videos must explain various engineering concepts that could be used in classrooms at various levels (elementary school through college), and by the layperson to understand geotechnical principles. For Geo-Congress 2024, teams created videos around the themes of  ‘a fundamental of geotechnical property’, or, ‘to reflect on the past, assess the present, and imagine the future of geotechnical engineering.’ Teams may consist of one to four students, and one team per school may compete.

The Lafayette team submission competed with videos from all over the country, with the University of Akron and  University of California – Davis taking  second and first place respectively. In past years Lafayette students have brought home many Geo-Congress awards, including various top-three finishes in the GeoPoster, GeoShirt, GeoVideo, and GeoWall competitions.

Don’t miss the Geo-Institute of ASCE Director’s Cut video featuring Associate Professor and Department Head of Civil and Environmental Engineering Mike McGuire featuring undergraduate research and the Lafayette Geo-Video entries.